A minute’s silence at 12 noon, April 27

A minute’s silence at 12 noon, April 27

av Helena Mallin -
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To honour the 147 people who were killed and the 79 who were injured in the terror attack at Garissa University College in Kenya on April 2, all European universities will hold a minute’s silence in protest of the attack.

At Linnaeus University we hold a minute’s silence at 12 noon on April 27. In connection to this we will also fly our flags at half-mast.

European University Association, EUA, has taken the initiative to hold a minute’s silence at European universities in order to stress that we condemn all forms of violence towards education and to honour the victims of the terror attack at Garissa University College in Kenya. Linnaeus University supports the initiative and encourages members of staff and students to participate.

EUA emphasizes that all forms of violence or attacks on education goes against the universities’ common principles of freedom of thought and speech, tolerance, and autonomy. It undermines young people’s ambitions and fundamental right to education and to be able to contribute to the development of their home countries, societies, and the world. Therefore, EUA encourages all universities in Europe and other parts of the world to come together in solidarity to condemn all forms of violence towards education!

Link to the information at EUA.