Skandia Best Master and Bachelor Theses Awards

Skandia Best Master and Bachelor Theses Awards

by Petra Hunt -
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About the awards

The Skandia Best Master and Bachelor Theses Awards, sponsored by the Thule Foundation at Skandia, recognize work on “Long-Term Savings” that is of relevance for banking, insurance, and financial services. Each year there will be awards for theses at Swedish colleges or universities:

1. The best master thesis (an award of approximately SEK 50,000).

2. The best bachelor thesis (an award of approximately SEK 30,000).

One or several “runner ups” may also receive awards. The amounts above include “runner ups” and may vary due to the number of theses awarded.


Students are welcome to submit their master and bachelor theses, defended at a Swedish college or university during the academic year 2019/20. The thesis could be on any topic and in any academic field as long as it is of relevance for long-term savings (primarily in Sweden). Theses written in Swedish or English are acceptable. A submission should include a short motivation from the thesis advisor and/or examiner, and a note on the awarded grade for the thesis. The contact information should include email addresses and phone numbers to the student as well as the advisor and/or examiner.

Email submissions to before September 15, 2020. Only electronic submissions are accepted. Submit the thesis as a PDF-file with the name format ThesisAuthorPaperTitle.pdf (for example, if the author name is Svensson and the thesis title is Mutual Funds in Sweden, the file name should be “SvenssonMutualFundsInSweden.pdf”).

The Thule foundation reserves the right not to grant any awards in the case of no suitable submissions. The Thule Foundation has presented winners of the Theses Awards since 2014 (see and intends to continue recognize work on long-term savings for the coming years.

Skandia is a leading Nordic provider of finance security and long-term savings solutions. The group has 2 million customers in Sweden and SEK 640 billions in assets under management. The Thule Foundation has been responsible for restructuring the Skandia group and is now promoting research on long term savings