The program and its structure for generation starting 2023
8. Electives: requirements
- Digital media and methods for sampling and analysis, 7.5 credits (4MK101)
- You have to participate live in the oral exam of project presentations; 23/11 at 9-14.
- To pass the course you need to do 1) a project with at least one other student testing sampling methods (presentations in live seminar Nov 23rd), and, 2) an individual written report. There is a deadline for the voluntary hand-in assignment in each study block, which are given feedback on. There is no deadline for discussions on the forum, only for getting teachers comments.
- Data Mining in Practice, 7.5 credits (1DV515)
- No special requirements, everyone is welcome!
- Can be taken fully online. Lectures are pre-recorded.
- Examination: Bi-weekly assignments, one course-long project, one final oral exam, and one final (short) report.
- Programming for Digital Humanities, 7.5 credits (4ME501) second part of the course
- Note that the first part of the course is the same as the obligatory course with the same title
- Formally the student will register for 15 credits, but will apply for credit transfer and only join the last part of the course so that 7,5 credits will be awarded
- English Language Proficiency and Academic Writing, 7,5 credits (1EN128)
There are no obligatory synchronous activities in the course, but there are a number of seminars/workshops, where students can discuss their texts and analyze English articles etc. It is possible to pass the course without attending these seminars. We always upload material after the seminars, so it is possible to catch up.
There are five written assignments: expository essay, summary/response essay, argumentative essay, an abstract and an introduction to a research paper.
- Digital History: Methods, Resources and Ontologies, 7.5 credits (4HI505)
- Lectures are pre-recorded, while all live tutorials and workshops are recorded and uploaded afterwards.
- No required synchronous workshops, seminars, or lectures.
- The written assignment associated with one of the workshops is required but it’s not required to attend the workshop.
The Digital History course has 3 deadlines:
Week 3. Workshop and group work: Write a pitch in bullet points (max 500 words) and post to the online forum + post positive feedback on one other group’s post (50-100 words). Required assignment. (This can be also completed without joining the workshop.)
Week 5. Write a short essay (1000-1500 words) + short feedback on 2 other essays (ca 2-3 sentences each).
Week 10. The final assignment is graded according to the A-F scale and students can choose to submit it as a podcast, blog-post or a vlog/video.
- Lectures are pre-recorded, while all live tutorials and workshops are recorded and uploaded afterwards.
- Digital Archaeology, 7.5 credits (4AE455)
All teaching on this course is online, all lectures and tutorials are prerecorded. Live on zoom are Q&A-sessions related to each of the three modules.
- The course consists of three thematic modules one following the other, each with a practical assignment to be handed in at the end of the module. After all three modules are completed, there is a final written assignment to be handed in, which forms the basis for the grading of the course.
- Film, archive, and digital culture, 7.5 credits (4FV701)
- No compulsory moments.
- Outcome: a portfolio (texts)
- Film as a research tool, 7.5 credits (4FV705)
No compulsory moments. Four synchronous online, voluntary, seminars to help achieve the course objectives.
Outcome: a video essay and a written reflection.
- Editing and Transcribing Premodern Texts: Digital Tools, Methods and Resources, 7.5 credits, LU-37741 (HUXD01). Apply at
- No scheduled compulsory moments for a specific time. There are two meetings via zoom but only for those who want to attend them. The first one is just to get to know one another somewhat, and the second one is to discuss what they want to focus on in the final paper- also an optional meeting.
- Assignments: one final paper and also it is compulsory to participate in one of the three group discussions (all online), and to take the three quizzes (that are not graded, and can be taken multiple times).
- No scheduled compulsory moments for a specific time. There are two meetings via zoom but only for those who want to attend them. The first one is just to get to know one another somewhat, and the second one is to discuss what they want to focus on in the final paper- also an optional meeting.
- Corpus Methods in Practice, 15 credits (4EN010) IN SPRING ONLY. If you are interested please contact the programme administrator or coordinator. The course is a part of a MA programme in English
Language and Literature, and DH students with no prior experience
with linguistics may find it a challenging. The course is live streamed and also available as campus course.