4. Courses in 2-year program (120 credits)

First semester:

  1. Introduction to digital humanities, 7.5 credits
  2. Digital humanities research methods, 7.5 credits
  3. Critical theory and digital transformation, 7.5 credits
  4. Programming for digital humanities, 7.5 credits

Second semester:

  1. Interactive technologies for digital humanities, 7.5 credits
  2. Digitisation of cultural heritage, 7.5 credits
  3. Linked Data for Cultural Heritage and the Humanities, 7.5 credits
  4. Ethics, Politics and Policies in the Digital Humanities, 7.5 credits

Third semester: 

  • Electives (30 credits) 
  • Electives which guarantee a place for DH Master’s students are available on the DH Master web page and are continuously updated 
  • They can be taken at LNU and elsewhere
  • Please choose electives directly in your Ladok, when you log in with your student account here https://lnu.se/en/student/

Fourth semester:

  • Master thesis (30 credits) 
    • At the start of second year try to find a company or a cultural heritage institution with a use case / data set / research questions you could work with