Supervisors and external partners
Completion requirements
1. LNU supervisors
1.3. Sara Ellis Nilsson
- Home page:
- 1 thesis (1 more could be possible, students should email Sara directly to inquire)
- Topics:
- Any aspect of digital history or digital medieval studies
- Digital communication of history in or by museums, e.g. use of virtual museum tours, reconstructions. Critical perspectives.
- Communicating history in non-academic platforms, e.g. wikipedia, blogs. Critical perspectives. Autoethnographic approach by e.g. creating your own blog and reflecting on the process.
- Use of history in digital fora, e.g. political groups, re-enactment, social media, etc. Critical perspectives.
- Digital tools for "doing history". Choose a few tools, compare, explore the possibilities, develop a case study.
- Digital tools for "mediating history". Choose a few tools, compare, explore the possibilities. Include a case study.