16. The writing process

  • Start writing as soon as possible
    • It is very important to start writing as soon as possible because the writing process stimulates the thought process and helps drive your work forward. You think while writing.
    • You do not have to write sections in the right order or start with the introduction. You should, however, formulate a preliminary version of the introductory parts with a list of references, theoretical starting points, research questions, source material and methods. It will be difficult to conduct an empirical study if you do not quite know to what questions you are looking for answers and how you are to approach the questions.

  • It is not a linear process
    • It is also important to emphasise that you should not wait to look at your empirical material before the research questions and theory and method sections are finished.

  • Revisit and revise
    • Once you have made progress in collecting and working with the empirical material, you will likely discover that the introductory parts need revision to match the empirical study you are actually conducting.
    • The writing process involves shifting back and forth between the thesis' different parts so that it ultimately forms a coherentwork.