Study book: Course information
7. Examination and grading
Requirements for receiving the grade
To receive a passing grade on the course, you are to have:
1. Written a Master’s thesis that meets the grading criteria (see chapter Grading criteria in this e-book).
- A submitted thesis may not meet the criteria for a passing grade, but the problems may be minor enough that they can be addressed with a limited amount of additional effort. In this case, you are given an opportunity to make the minor changes within 10 working days from the examination seminar; or if they are a bit bigger, you will be asked to attend the next re-exam seminar in August, in which case the thesis is due by mid-August in the online forum. Students who have not made these changes will receive a grade of Fail (F) for the thesis component of the course.
- A failed thesis must be re-written and presented again at a future instance of the course.
2. Presented the thesis at the final thesis examination seminar.
- This is scheduled between the examiner, the student authoring the thesis and the student reviewing the thesis.
3. Completed the assignment as a student reviewer in a satisfactory manner (written report + participation in thesis examination seminar).
- A student who has not performed satisfactorily as a reviewer will be failed on this part of the course and will be required to submit an additional assignment even if the thesis is passed and completed.
If the reviewer's comments are not deemed sufficient in length and quality, if they lack critical thinking or are not constructive, the student will be assigned as a reviewer to another thesis.
- Reviewing includes feedback via forums in Modules where reviewing tasks are prescribed.
4. Registered and archived your thesis in DiVA.
- Once your thesis has been approved, it must be registered and archived as a PDF file in DiVA before the grade can be reported in Ladok and you have officially completed the course. Before archiving, you have one last opportunity to correct any remaining typos and implement minor changes within 10 working days from the thesis examination seminar (counting from the day after).
- The DiVA repository link provides a guide for registration. You must include the thesis' bibliographical data, including the abstract, in DiVA. You are also to include the full text of the thesis. Normally, through DiVA it will become available to the general public. It is an important principle that everyone should be able to access new research results. If you have classified results, please refer to the DiVA guidelines.
- When uploading to DiVA, please make sure that you choose "Digital Humanities, 120" in the list of offered disciplinary categories.
Final grade
The course is assessed with the grades A, B, C, D, E, Fx or F
To pass, both the thesis writing and reviewing assignments need to be completed
- The reviewing assignment is a pass or fail (not graded on F-A scale) and is reported to the student only in case of fail
- Final grade is that of the thesis
- Note that one can take re-exam only in case of F, not to improve the grade, following University regulations
Exam periods
- First exam period takes place during the last week of the course
- Second exam period takes place in August
LNU rules and regulations
- Supervisor and examiner must be two different experts
- Formal examiner who reports into Ladok needs to be at least 'docent' (in Swedish, associate professor in English)