Study book: Course information
Completion requirements
5. How to study for this course
- This is a 20-week course
- Its focus is on independent learning and research, with supervision
- 20 weeks often pass quicker than it seems and it is important that you respect deadlines and dedicate full-time effort in order to complete the course in time
- You are entitled to 6 individual supervisions via Zoom of cca 1 hr which will be scheduled at your initiative between you and your supervisor, for each of which you are expected to provide a draft of your work according to the guidelines:
- Module 1: rough research plan
- Module 2: extended research plan with key literature
- Module 3: data collection
- Module 4: data analysis
- Module 5: discussion and conclusions
- Module 6: final draft
- At the same time as preparing the drafts for guidance with the supervisor, you will provide your drafts on the designated forums for feedback by fellow students
- In addition to writing your own work, you will provide required feedback to other students' work in the designated fora; according to instructions given in each module's e-book
- The thesis is to be submitted by the end of the 19th week
- The examination seminar will take place during the 20th week
- After the examination seminar, suggested changes need to be implemented within 15 working days (or cca 3 weeks), after which time the examiner checks that this have been made
- Upon the very final approval by the examiner, the student submits the thesis under "Final exam seminar and Ouriginal" section.
- The examiner then checks with Ouriginal to ensure no plagiarism occurred
- The examiner informs the student that he or she has passed the Urkund check and can upload the thesis to the DiVA repository
- The examiner makes one final check that the version uploaded to DiVA is the right one, after which the examiner enters the grade to Ladok