7. Choosing electives (2-year master)

  • You can take courses anywhere but in coordination with the programme coordinator
  • Make sure you choose at least 30 credits for one semester
  • Courses which guarantee places for DH students are as follows:

    • LNU courses - apply 1 April to 30 April  2021 directly in Ladok - when you log in with your student account Lnu.se/StudentPlease note that you apply in Ladok with a code starting with PXXXX

Students at Lnu can apply for exchange at any of our partner university suitable for them and go on a physical exchange. If within Europe and Erasmus+ they get the grant for studies as well. 

  • If students find their own course or summer school outside of Lnu the credits can be recognized; however, the students need to make sure that what they select actually can be recognized with the program coordinators

    • For example, if a student chooses a school in another country and the student doesn’t realize it but it is not a higher education institution we could not recognize these credits at Lnu.

    • If the students make a study plan approved by the program coordinator, then all schools and courses are pre-approved for recognition before they start.

  • If you are interested in student exchange, please contact studyabroad.fkh@lnu.se