Section outline

  • Dear student,


    You have been registered on the course 1MA908 Optimization and Modeling at Linnaeus University but have not finished it. You are now offered a chance to finish remaining examinations and complete the course. When the course is finally discontinued, it will no longer be possible to finish it.


    2202 Laborations 1.0 hp: Send an e-mail to Jonas Nordqvist before the 21 of June, 2023 to submit your report during the summer break.

    Alternatively, to participate in laborations in study period 2, please send an email to Emeli Wickström, before 2023-10-30.



    2201 Written exam  4.0 hp


    Sign up period

    Other info

    Re-examination for discontinuation 1/3 Optimization and Modeling

    2023-08-21 08:00 - 13:00

    2023-06-28 - 2023-08-08


    Kurs under nedläggning tillfälle 1 av 3

    Re-examination for discontinuation 2/3 Optimization and Modeling

    2024-01-08 14:00 - 19:00

    2023-11-10 - 2023-12-21


    Kurs under nedläggning tillfälle 2 av 3

    Re-examination for discontinuation 3/3 Optimization and Modeling

    August, 2024

    Via e-mail before 2024-06-01






    • A discontinued course can no longer be completed.
    • Only completed course can be added to a degree.
    • Information on Discontinuation of the courses at the Faculty of Technology can be found here:


    If you do not have the intent to finish the course, we appreciate if you cancel it in Ladok or send us an e-mail Emeli Wickström or