Discontinuation of the course History, Philosophy and Science of Information Systems, 7.5 hp 5IK514
Section outline
Dear student,
You have been registered on the course History, Philosophy and Science of Information Systems, 7.5 hp 5IK514 at Linnaeus University but have not finished it. You are now offered a chance to finish remaining part “Essay 4.5 hp” during the year 2022/2023. When the course is finally discontinued, it will not be possible to finish it.
To participate, please request re-registration to Emeli Wickström emeli.wickstrom@lnu.se or teknik@lnu.se (include your personal ID number).
Submission deadlines:
Submission 25 October
Re-submission 29 November
Final submission October, 2023
Course responsible teacher is Erdelina Kurti and examiner is Päivi Jokela.
· A discontinued course can no longer be completed.
· Only a completed course can be used in a degree.
· On the Moodle page ”Discontinuation of the courses at the Faculty of Technology” you can find more information about discontinuations of courses. The Moodle page can be found here: https://mymoodle.lnu.se/course/view.php?id=40634
If you do not have the intention to finish the course, we appreciate if you cancel it in Ladok or send an e-mail!