Section outline

  • Below you find frequently asked questions, along with our answers:

    I have an optional semester in my programme; what can I study?
    If you have an optional semester, you may choose any 30 credits of courses found at It’s a good idea to include several different course options when you apply; that way you optimise your chances of being accepted into full-time study. Think about what would be a good complement to your other courses – what would you like to know more about? What are you passionate about? If you’re unsure as to what to choose, you’re welcome to contact your guidance counsellor.

    How many credits is a semester? 
    One semester of full-time study corresponds to 30 credits.

    I need to take a leave of absence from my studies; what do I need to do?
    Leave from studies is approved for a maximum of two semesters at a time. You apply via this form, enclosing supporting documentation (we do not approve leave of absence for studies elsewhere, or for work).

    According to Linnaeus University’s local regulations for admission, an approved leave from studies is a break in a student’s studies that has been reported by the student to the relevant higher education institution. If there are extenuating circumstances, a student may be allowed to take up their studies again, after their leave. Extenuating circumstances may be social, medical, or other special circumstances, such as care of a sick child, military service, civilian service, or student union work.

    I’m on sick leave; what do I need to do?
    If you’ve been put on sick leave, you need to contact the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan); contact CSN if needed; report to the relevant course or programme coordinator; and remain registered in Ladok.

    I’m a programme student, how do I find all the information I need, and how do I know what courses to apply to for the upcoming term?
    Visit your programme’s MyMoodle site. As for courses in the upcoming semester, you will receive information from your education administrator about what applies in your specific case. You will receive the information via email or on MyMoodle.

    My programme includes a practice placement; what do I need to think about?
    Remember to start looking for a placement in good time. Read up on the company/organisation/authority you’re interested in and write an application describing how you match the needs of the workplace in terms of engagement, experience, knowledge, and interests. Don’t forget to follow up on your application after a few weeks – preferably by phone, or else via email. Want to know more? Check out MyCareer and Erasmus traineeship.

    I have taken parts of the course before; can I transfer my credits?
    If you’ve already completed similar courses or modules, you can apply for credit transfer; a good idea is to first compare the syllabi yourself. For more information on how and when to apply, please visit our page on credit transfer.

    Things aren’t quite going my way; I have failed a lot of credits, and I don’t know how to catch up. What can I do?
    You are very welcome to book a meeting with your guidance counsellor – together we can have a look at individual solutions for you.

    How do I know whether I qualify for certain studies?
    Each syllabus specifies the entry requirements for that particular course or programme.
    For more information about general and specific entry requirements, please visit (only available in Swedish). 

    What’s the difference between a general qualification, a qualification in the fine, applied and performing arts, and a professional qualification?
    A general qualification is, for instance, a bachelor’s or a master’s degree. You can get a general qualification based on freestanding courses as well as on specific degree programmes; in either case, you are required to study courses with progressive specialisation, within a certain main field of study. A qualification in the fine, applied and performing arts is based on a main field of study within the arts, such as visual art or music. Such a qualification may have been awarded outside the higher education domain. A professional qualification, finally, is what you get when you have completed studies for a profession that requires professional certification or a specific kind of expertise that is the same in the whole country.

    I’m thinking about quitting my studies; what do I need to do?
    You need to report non-completion in your Ladok and let the course or programme coordinator know that you will not continue your studies. If you want to discuss alternative solutions, you are welcome to book a meeting with your guidance counsellor.

    How many credits do I have to pass to get my student finance?
    The first 40 weeks with student finance, you are required to pass 62.5% of the credits that your student finance applies to, in order to get your finance for the subsequent semester. After this, you are required to pass 75%. A good idea is to apply for a full year at a time, since if you haven’t passed the required number of credits in the most recent semester, the Swedish Board of Student Finance (CSN) will check your total number of credits for the past two semesters. Conversely, if you don’t pass enough credits in the first semester, you still have a chance to make up for it in the subsequent semester, if you have applied for a full year.

    I have taken courses at other higher education institutions; can I use those for a degree at Linnaeus University?
    Depending on the degree, it’s generally possible to use courses taken at other higher education institutions for a degree at Linnaeus University. When you apply for your degree, you need to enclose the syllabi for the relevant courses.

    I have a bachelor’s degree in one main field of study and have completed studies in yet another main field of study. Can I get a double degree?
    Yes, you can be awarded several degrees. In such cases you may use courses that you have already used for another degree at the first-cycle level. You need 90 credits with progressive specialisation, including a bachelor’s thesis of 15 credits, in your new main field of study.

    Does it matter how I rank my choices when I apply to uni?
    You should rank your choices in order of preference, entering your most preferred choice at the top (so that the choice appearing at the top at is your number one choice). You may study a maximum of 45 credits per semester.