- Kursansvarig: Christopher Allen
Sökresultat: 33

This course discusses methods in the
humanities and the social sciences, focusing on postcolonial perspectives. You
will learn how to identify and accumulate new information, analyse and assess
complex phenomena and draw conclusions correctly in an advanced academic
- Kursansvarig: Birgit Tremml Werner
Welcome to the course 4SA720, Social Work in Times of migration: Perspectives on Policies, Institutions and Practices, 15 credits, Spring 2019
On this course website you can find information and news about the course.
In the folder " Course Documents" you will find basic information on the course, such as the course syllabus, the study guide and the schedule.
Under Topic 1 you find information about Module 1: Perspectives on migration and citizenship in pluralistic societies, 7,5 credit. Here material from lectures in Module 1 will be published. Moreover, here you will find instructions regarding the assignments related to Module 1. Here you also find the forum activity "Submission Individual written assignment " wherein you later on are supposed to submit your theoretical essay/paper.
Under Section 2 you will later during the course find information about Module 2: Social work practices and institutions in the context of migration, 7,5 credit. Here material from lectures in Module 2 will be published and you will find instructions regarding the assignments related to Module 2. Here you also find the forum activity "Submission Individual written assignment " wherein you later on are supposed to submit your final paper with an analysis of material collected during a minor "field study".
Here on the course website you can also discuss and raise questions regarding the course content, in the "Questions about the course" and "Class discussion" forum activities. The "News forum" will be used by teachers and examiners to publish news and updates on course activities.
We look forward to meeting you at course start!
Best regards
Jesper Johansson, course coordinator
Barzoo Eliassi, examiner
- Kursansvarig: Torun Elsrud
- Kursansvarig: Kristina Gustafsson
- Kursansvarig: Max Hansson
- Kursansvarig: Jesper Johansson
- Kursansvarig: Lena Lernå
- Kursansvarig: Åsa Söderqvist Forkby
Welcome to the course 4SA720, Social Work in Times of migration: Perspectives on Policies, Institutions and Practices, 15 credits, Spring 2019
On this course website you can find information and news about the course.
In the folder " Course Documents" you will find basic information on the course, such as the course syllabus, the study guide and the schedule.
Under Topic 1 you find information about Module 1: Perspectives on migration and citizenship in pluralistic societies, 7,5 credit. Here material from lectures in Module 1 will be published. Moreover, here you will find instructions regarding the assignments related to Module 1. Here you also find the forum activity "Submission Individual written assignment " wherein you later on are supposed to submit your theoretical essay/paper.
Under Section 2 you will later during the course find information about Module 2: Social work practices and institutions in the context of migration, 7,5 credit. Here material from lectures in Module 2 will be published and you will find instructions regarding the assignments related to Module 2. Here you also find the forum activity "Submission Individual written assignment " wherein you later on are supposed to submit your final paper with an analysis of material collected during a minor "field study".
Here on the course website you can also discuss and raise questions regarding the course content, in the "Questions about the course" and "Class discussion" forum activities. The "News forum" will be used by teachers and examiners to publish news and updates on course activities.
We look forward to meeting you at course start!
Best regards
Jesper Johansson, course coordinator
Barzoo Eliassi, examiner
- Kursansvarig: Torun Elsrud
- Kursansvarig: Max Hansson
- Kursansvarig: Jesper Johansson
- Kursansvarig: Lena Lernå
- Kursansvarig: Åsa Söderqvist Forkby

This course discusses methods in the
humanities focusing on postcolonial perspectives. You
will learn how to identify and accumulate new information, analyse and assess
complex phenomena and draw conclusions correctly in an advanced academic
- Kursansvarig: Birgit Tremml Werner
This course is created because of a need for updating the thinking and applying of methods in humanities and social science. The need consists of on the one hand to understand and make use of digital media in various scientific studies. On the other hand the need is to understand and make use of relevant methods including digital methods when studying digital media. At the same time, there is a need for discernment in relation to the wealth of information that lay readily before us on various platforms throughout the digital world: how can we as scholars use this information for our own projects in the best way? How do we use it in an ethically sound way?
Therefore, this is a course for students interested in advancing knowledge on the importance of understanding digital media in general as a framework, to include ethical aspects and also the ability to apply concrete sampling and analysis methods for digital media.
The course covers how digital media change culture and social relations and how this affects scientific sampling and analysis methods. The course further develops ethical approaches for the collection of research materials. Through various theoretical starting points research data is analysed. During the course you will try various digital techniques to analyse and visualise data.
This is an online course for 7.5 credits and it is adapted to an advanced level. Therefore, we as lecturers build on and deepen the knowledge, skills and abilities that you as students have gained at the graduate level in a humanistic or social science discipline. The pace for the course is a so called quarter speed. This means that you will devote about a day a week for the course. We as teachers will guide your effort during the course by giving assignments continuously throughout the course.
Teaching and learning will take place through a MyMoodle course web site. You are expected to visit the course web site every week. The course is structured as themes, or course modules. This first course module is “Introducing digital media, theory and method”. Second module is “Understanding contexts and approaches”. Third module is “Sampling methods”. Fourth module is “Analysis methods”. Fifth and concluding module is “Exam”.
For every course module you are expected to watch video lectures with attached assignments, to take part of assigned resources, read about news from teachers and students and to contribute to moderated discussions in Forum, seminar. Communication with us teachers takes place through the course web site in assigned communication forum Questions for teacher. When individual communication is needed, you can email us.
- Kursansvarig: Pernilla Severson

to Introduction to Health Informatics
You have applied for and been admitted to the course/program code, program/course name (number of credits) at the Faculty of xxx at Linnaeus University. With this letter, we would like to warmly welcome you and give you some brief information before the beginning of the semester.
Introductory meeting If you need help finding a map, there is a map at lnu.se: https://lnu.se/mot-linneuniversitetet/kontakta-och-besoka/karta/
Get a student account and register: You need a student account to be able to write. At www.lnu.se/nystudent, there is information on how to do it. Registration is required for you to be able to commence the education you have been admitted to.
Course literature: The course literature list can be found in the course / and syllabus available here: https://lnu.se/student/under-studierna/kurs-och-utbildningsplaner/ Enter course code or course name in the search field to get the current syllabus. If there are multiple versions, select the latest version.
Mandatory literature:
Sheikh, A., Bates, D., Wright, A. & Cresswell, K. eds (2017). Key Advances in Clinical Informatics Transforming Health Care through Health Information Technology, Academic Press, ISBN: 9780128095232, 334 p.
Are you prevented from participating in the introductory session contact: MD Shafiqur Rahman Jabin mdshafiqur.rahmanjabin@lnu.se
More information: If you have any questions, please contact the program/course manager via e-mail or telephone: MD Shafiqur Rahman Jabin, mdshafiqur.rahmanjabin@lnu.se, 0764478587
Linnaeus University switchboard: 0772-28 80 00
With kind regards
MD Shafiqur Rahman Jabin
- Md Shafiqur Rahman Jabin: MD Shafiqur Rahman Jabin
- Kursansvarig: Ahmad M. Kamal

Welcome to a series of workshops as part of your individual work on the master’s thesis. The workshops will be held by Eleonora Poggio and myself, Birgit Tremml-Werner. They are designed in a way that provides you support and essential information for the formal thesis writing and the examination process. Focusing on specific themes and tasks, the workshop will get you started with the nitty gritty of research and support you in the working process. We suggest the following schedule:
Friday, 9 April 2021 Purpose and goal of writing a master’s thesis at LNU (45 or 60 ECTS), search for a supervisor, thesis regulations, writing hints and presentation skills
Friday, 23 April 2021
Friday, 7 May 2021
Friday, 21 May 2021
Final assignment: A working introduction (following Umberto Eco) written in academic style with sections on the choice of topic, relevance, methodology and research question and discussion of the state of the art. Approx. 3,000 words.
Course participants is compulsory and counts 4 ECTS of the total of the master’s thesis of 45 or 60 ECTS respectively. Participants will be asked to deliver short oral and/or written assignments.
- Kursansvarig: Eleonora Poggio
- Kursansvarig: Birgit Tremml Werner

to Introduction to Health Informatics
You have applied for and been admitted to the course/program code, program/course name (number of credits) at the Faculty of xxx at Linnaeus University. With this letter, we would like to warmly welcome you and give you some brief information before the beginning of the semester.
Introductory meeting If you need help finding a map, there is a map at lnu.se: https://lnu.se/mot-linneuniversitetet/kontakta-och-besoka/karta/
Get a student account and register: You need a student account to be able to write. At www.lnu.se/nystudent, there is information on how to do it. Registration is required for you to be able to commence the education you have been admitted to.
Course literature: The course literature list can be found in the course / and syllabus available here: https://lnu.se/student/under-studierna/kurs-och-utbildningsplaner/ Enter course code or course name in the search field to get the current syllabus. If there are multiple versions, select the latest version.
Mandatory literature:
Sheikh, A., Bates, D., Wright, A. & Cresswell, K. eds (2017). Key Advances in Clinical Informatics Transforming Health Care through Health Information Technology, Academic Press, ISBN: 9780128095232, 334 p.
Are you prevented from participating in the introductory session contact: MD Shafiqur Rahman Jabin mdshafiqur.rahmanjabin@lnu.se
More information: If you have any questions, please contact the program/course manager via e-mail or telephone: MD Shafiqur Rahman Jabin, mdshafiqur.rahmanjabin@lnu.se, 0764478587
Linnaeus University switchboard: 0772-28 80 00
With kind regards
MD Shafiqur Rahman Jabin
- Kursansvarig: Stefan Lagrosen
- Kursansvarig: Erdelina Kurti

Welcome to a series of seminars as part of your work on the master’s thesis! The sessions will be held by Eleonora Poggio and myself, Birgit Tremml-Werner. They are designed to provide you with support and essential information for the formal thesis writing and the examination process. Focusing on specific themes and tasks, the seminars will get you started with the nitty-gritty of research and support you in the working process. We suggest the following schedule:
- Kursansvarig: Eleonora Poggio
- Kursansvarig: Birgit Tremml Werner
This is the moodle room of the course 1FU210 'Human Security and Sustainable Development'. The room provides information on the syllabus, timetable, reading and activities in the module.
- Kursansvarig: Heiko Fritz
- Kursansvarig: Manuela Nilsson
Välkomna till kursen 1MT003 i Hållfasthetslära
Kursen är på 7,5 poäng och i år är kursens undervisningstid förlagd mellan 6 november till och med 20 december; dvs. fem och en halv vecka (5,5 veckor).
Ber Er att läsa all information som under kursens gång läggs upp här på MyMoodle.
Per Lindström Lussi
NOTERA: Kursen har förkunskapskraven Analys 7,5 hp och Mekanik 7,5 hp
- Kursansvarig: Per Lindström Lussi

to Introduction to Health Informatics
Here are some brief information before the beginning of the semester.
The course introduction will take place on Monday 28th September at 9.15-10, in the room Vi2158K (House Vita). If you need help finding a map, there is a map at lnu.se: https://lnu.se/mot-linneuniversitetet/kontakta-och-besoka/karta/
Get a student account and register: You need a student account to be able to write. At www.lnu.se/nystudent, there is information on how to do it. Registration is required for you to be able to commence the education you have been admitted to.
Course literature:
Sheikh, A., Bates, D., Wright, A. & Cresswell, K. eds (2017). Key Advances in Clinical Informatics Transforming Health Care through Health Information Technology, Academic Press, ISBN: 9780128095232, 334 p.
Are you prevented from participating in the introductory session, please contact the course coordinator (an SMS is OK). Linnaeus University switchboard: 0772-28 80 00
With kind regards
Evalill Nilsson, course coordinator
evalill.nilsson@lnu.se +46 730 377 913
- Kursansvarig: Evalill Nilsson
- Kursansvarig: Bo Andersson
The course offers a critical overview of slavery and slave trade on a global level, surveying the research trends of the last decades. Historical as well as literary perspectives are applied. While slavery has been a fact of life as long as human records exist, an analytic and comparative approach to the phenomenon is relatively late. A great deal of attention has been devoted to the Trans-Atlantic trafficking in humans, and slave labour in the Americas. More recently, slave-based economies in the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean World have come into the limelight. Hitherto neglected groups with a slave-like status, in places like India, China, and Korea, are now being explored. Moreover, the plight of humans in the contemporary world with a bonded and permanently subservient status has called for attention. The course aims to address the “curse of the particular” which has long haunted research on slavery and failed to address connectivities and comparisons between different regions. It also wishes to challenge the Atlantic paradigm that has tended to see slavery from a matrix of European-led employment of slave labour. Attention is put on the great methodological strides in recent decades, where new and innovative uses of the source material has yielded a wealth of information about slavery as a condition and a process, not least illuminating its gendered aspects. During the course the great structural variety of enslavement and degrees of unfree status over the world will be discussed. Economic-historical theories about the rationale of slavery, from early scholars such as Marx and Nieboer to modern ones such as James Warren and Peter Boomgaard, are surveyed. Moreover, the memories and narratives of slavery in literary texts are analyzed.
- Kursansvarig: Hans Hägerdal
This is the moodle room of the course 1FU210 'Human Security and Sustainable Development'. The room provides information on the syllabus, timetable, reading and activities in the module.
- Kursansvarig: Heiko Fritz
- Kursansvarig: Manuela Nilsson

to Introduction to Health Informatics
Here are some brief information before the beginning of the semester.
The course introduction will take place on Monday 2nd September at 13.00-15.00, (information about room will be added before then). If you need help finding a map, there is a map at lnu.se: https://lnu.se/mot-linneuniversitetet/kontakta-och-besoka/karta/
Get a student account and register: You need a student account to be able to write. At www.lnu.se/nystudent, there is information on how to do it. Registration is required for you to be able to commence the education you have been admitted to.
Course literature:
Sheikh, A., Bates, D., Wright, A. & Cresswell, K. eds (2017). Key Advances in Clinical Informatics Transforming Health Care through Health Information Technology, Academic Press, ISBN: 9780128095232, 334 p.
Are you prevented from participating in the introductory session, please contact the course coordinator
With kind regards
Tora Hammar, course coordinator
- Kursansvarig: Tora Hammar
- Kursansvarig: Jaime Campos
Dear Students,
Welcome to the course on Democratization Studies
The structure and contents of the course are presented in the study guide and in the syllabus. If you have questions about the course in general, please contact Elvis Bisong Tambe.
Also important information regarding communication during the course. I prefer to handle as much communication as possible via MyMoodle. The reason is simple: any information we give will be available for everyone if it is posted in the forums.
Also, before you ask anything, please have a look at the study guide, instructions for the seminars and assignments, etc.
I hope that you will enjoy the course and find it useful in your own research!
Elvis Bisong Tambe (EBT), the teacher responsible for the course: elvisbisong.tambe@lnu.se
- Kursansvarig: Elvis Bisong Tambe
The course offers a critical overview of slavery and slave trade on a global level, surveying the research trends of the last decades. Historical as well as literary perspectives are applied. While slavery has been a fact of life as long as human records exist, an analytic and comparative approach to the phenomenon is relatively late. A great deal of attention has been devoted to the Trans-Atlantic trafficking in humans, and slave labour in the Americas. More recently, slave-based economies in the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean World have come into the limelight. Hitherto neglected groups with a slave-like status, in places like India, China, and Korea, are now being explored. Moreover, the plight of humans in the contemporary world with a bonded and permanently subservient status has called for attention. The course aims to address the “curse of the particular” which has long haunted research on slavery and failed to address connectivities and comparisons between different regions. It also wishes to challenge the Atlantic paradigm that has tended to see slavery from a matrix of European-led employment of slave labour. Attention is put on the great methodological strides in recent decades, where new and innovative uses of the source material has yielded a wealth of information about slavery as a condition and a process, not least illuminating its gendered aspects. During the course the great structural variety of enslavement and degrees of unfree status over the world will be discussed. Economic-historical theories about the rationale of slavery, from early scholars such as Marx and Nieboer to modern ones such as James Warren and Peter Boomgaard, are surveyed. Moreover, the memories and narratives of slavery in literary texts are analyzed.
- Kursansvarig: Hans Hägerdal
Dear Students,
Welcome to the course on Democratization Studies.
The course convenor is Elvis Bisong Tambe, and Fubu Ngbu will also be teaching on the course.
The structure and contents of the course are presented in the study guide and in the syllabus. If you have questions about the course in general, please contact Elvis Bisong Tambe.
Also important information regarding communication during the course. We prefer to handle as much communication as possible via MyMoodle. The reason is simple: any information we give will be available for everyone if it is posted in the forums.
Also, before you ask anything, please have a look at the study guide, instructions for the seminars and assignments, etc.
We hope that you will enjoy the course and find it useful in your own research!
Elvis Bisong Tambe (EBT), the teacher responsible for the course: elvisbisong.tambe@lnu.se
- Kursansvarig: Elvis Bisong Tambe

Välkommen till 1SV801 Beginners' Swedish 1 i Kalmar!
Welcome to a course that will give you knowledge, skills and 7,5 credits. The course is open for both exchange students and international students in Kalmar.
The course will start with an introduction for one group on Monday 20 of January, 17.00-17.30, in room Diabas Ra0085 in house Radix. The first lessons will be given just after the introduction, 17.30-20.00, in the same room.
This is your startpage in MyMoodle where you can find course material, information and ways of communicating with your teachers and fellow students. Your teachers are Ulrika Brynielsson and Lina Karlsson. Roland Lindholm is the course coordinator.
Under the headline Administration in the My Moodle-page, go to the sub-title Users (Or - under the headline This course, go to the sub-title Participants.). There you can see the names of your fellow students in the course. If you have not done it yet, please register to the course as soon as possible to get full access of MyMoodle and to give teachers and members of staff a good view of who will attend the course or not.
Below, you find the syllabus, the list of sources and the schedule. Please, make sure to get hold of the books “Rivstart A1+A2” (textbook and workbook) as soon as possible. NB! You should obtain the new, third edition of the books!! You will need the books immediately when we start working. Also, make sure to get access of the web material linked to these books, free of charge. (This is how the material looks: https://digi.nokportalen.se/books/d5528a43-29db-4d4b-bef4-127493fa703f.) Yes, you can take a look at it, but in order to get full access of it you must follow these instructions, step by step: www.nok.se/extramaterial - Läromedel - Digitalt extramaterial - Scroll down to page nr 10 - Rivstart A1A2, tredje uppl (now you are there!). And just one more thing to do: Create an account (skapa ett konto)!
There are two meetings every week, i e week 4-10, on Monday and Wednesday. Each meeting begins at 17.00 and ends at 19.30 (Swedish time). In week 9 there is an oral exam during class. In week 10 there is a written exam on Monday 10 of march.
After the written exam there is the Return of exam on Monday 17 of March (which is followed by an introduction to the continuation course 1SV802). And, finally, there is a possibility of Re-exam on Tuesday 25 of March.
- Kursansvarig: Roland Lindholm

Välkommen till 1SV801 Beginners' Swedish 1 i Växjö!
Welcome to a course that will give you knowledge, skills and 7,5 credits. NB! The course is open for exchange students in Växjö.
The course will start with an introduction for all 4 groups on Monday 20 of January, 17.00-18.00. The first lessons will be given on Tuesday 21 of January, 17.00-19.30.
This is your startpage in MyMoodle where you can find course material, information and ways of communicating with your teacher and fellow students. Roland Lindholm (group 1), Alla Bidniuk (group 2), Maria Nyman (group 3) and Halla Hallsteinsdottir (group 4) are your teachers. Roland Lindholm is the course coordinator.
Under the headline Administration in the My Moodle-page, go to the sub-title Users (Or - under the headline This course, go to the sub-title Participants.). There you can see what group you belong to. If you have not done it yet, please register to the course as soon as possible to get full access of MyMoodle and to give teachers and members of staff a good view of who will attend the course or not.
Below, you find the syllabus, the list of sources and the schedule. Please, make sure to get hold of the books “Rivstart A1+A2” (textbook and workbook) as soon as possible. NB! You should obtain the new, third edition of the books (2023)!! You will need the books immediately when we start working. Also, make sure to get access of the web material linked to these books, free of charge. (This is how the material looks: https://digi.nokportalen.se/books/d5528a43-29db-4d4b-bef4-127493fa703f.) Yes, you can take a look at it, but in order to get full access of it you must follow these instructions, step by step: www.nok.se/extramaterial - Läromedel - Digitalt extramaterial - Scroll down to page nr 10 - Rivstart A1A2, tredje uppl (now you are there!). And just one more thing to do: Create an account (skapa ett konto)!
There are two meetings every week, i e week 4-10 . Each meeting begins at 17.00 and ends at 19.30 (Swedish time). Group 1 meet on Mondays and Tuesdays, group 2 on Mondays and Wednesdays and group 3-4 Tuesdays and Thursdays. In week 9 there is an oral exam during class. In week 10 there is a written exam on Monday 10 of March.
After the written exam there is the Return of exam on Monday 17 of March (which is followed by an introduction to the continuation course 1SV802). And, finally, there is a possibility of Re-exam on Monday 24 of March.
- Kursansvarig: Roland Lindholm
Welcome to the 2025 instance of the course. The page is currently under development; more information will be added soon.
- Kursansvarig: Nadeem Abbas
The course offers a critical overview of slavery and slave trade on a global level, surveying the research trends of the last decades. Historical as well as literary perspectives are applied. While slavery has been a fact of life as long as human records exist, an analytic and comparative approach to the phenomenon is relatively late. A great deal of attention has been devoted to the Trans-Atlantic trafficking in humans, and slave labour in the Americas. More recently, slave-based economies in the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean World have come into the limelight. Hitherto neglected groups with a slave-like status, in places like India, China, and Korea, are now being explored. Moreover, the plight of humans in the contemporary world with a bonded and permanently subservient status has called for attention. The course aims to address the “curse of the particular” which has long haunted research on slavery and failed to address connectivities and comparisons between different regions. It also wishes to challenge the Atlantic paradigm that has tended to see slavery from a matrix of European-led employment of slave labour. Attention is put on the great methodological strides in recent decades, where new and innovative uses of the source material has yielded a wealth of information about slavery as a condition and a process, not least illuminating its gendered aspects. During the course the great structural variety of enslavement and degrees of unfree status over the world will be discussed. Economic-historical theories about the rationale of slavery, from early scholars such as Marx and Nieboer to modern ones such as James Warren and Peter Boomgaard, are surveyed. Moreover, the memories and narratives of slavery in literary texts are analyzed.
- Kursansvarig: Hans Hägerdal

Welcome to the course "Law, Digital Technologies, and Artificial Intelligence"!
In this course, we will explore the relationship between law, digital technologies, and artificial intelligence.
Please make sure to read the instructions provided on this platform, as they contain important information.
- Kursansvarig: Cristina Trenta

Compiled information relevant to anyone working in the EEMiS department. Includes standard guidelines for laboratory work and safety, relevant information about responsibilities in the workplace and laboratory protocols for each research group.
- Kursansvarig: Sabina Arnautovic
- Kursansvarig: Laura Bas Conn
- Kursansvarig: Mark Dopson
- Kursansvarig: Hanna Farnelid
- Kursansvarig: Anders Forsman
- Kursansvarig: Markus Franzén
- Kursansvarig: Emil Fridolfsson
- Kursansvarig: Karin Holmfeldt
- Kursansvarig: Samuel Hylander
- Kursansvarig: Camilla Karlsson
- Kursansvarig: Christien Philip Laber
- Kursansvarig: Catherine Legrand
- Kursansvarig: Elin Lindehoff
- Kursansvarig: Caroline Littlefield Karlsson
- Kursansvarig: Emelie Nilsson
- Kursansvarig: Jonas Nilsson
- Kursansvarig: Jenny Olofsson
- Kursansvarig: Jarone Pinhassi
- Kursansvarig: Amanda Simão Dias
- Kursansvarig: Magnus Ståhle
- Kursansvarig: Johanna Sunde
- Kursansvarig: Fredrik Svensson
- Kursansvarig: Petter Tibblin
- Kursansvarig: Conny Tolf
- Kursansvarig: Terese Uddh Söderberg
- Kursansvarig: Jonas Waldenström
- Kursansvarig: Markus Zöttl
Non-credit Swedish spring 2022
Welcome to the course ”Non-Credit Swedish” (Autumn 2021)!
This is your startpage in MyMoodle where you will find general information, a schedule and various course documents for each week. See each section below for more information. The course will begin on Wednesday 16 February at 6 pm. For other dates, see "Schedule" and the sections below.
Generally, this course gives you an introduction of the Swedish language and it also brings up various aspects of Swedish culture and the Swedish society.
All teaching, group work and tuition will be held in “Zoom”, which is a service for online communication. Please, download Zoom and make yourself familiar with the functions as soon as possible. You will find information about how to download it on https://serviceportalen.lnu.se/sv-se/article/1012280.
Leif Landquist and Henrik Svensson will be the teachers of the course. Please, join his meetings each week by clicking the link "zoommöte med Leif" below from 16 February to 9 February. After that, from 16 March to 9 April Henrik Svensson will be your teacher. Then you click on the link "Zoom Meetings with Henrik".
Welcome to class!
Hejlo, All Visual Communication + Change Students!
This is a space where the Design Department will post information important to you that you need to read. It is also a space for us to build and create a community for our specific programme, wether you are currently living in Kalmar or somewhere else in the world right now.
Look forward meeting you digitally in the new semester this autumn, 2020.
Helga and Cassandra and the rest of our teaching team.
- Kursansvarig: Mikael Blomqvist
- Kursansvarig: Helga Steppan
- Kursansvarig: Cassandra Troyan

- Kursansvarig: Emil Tyberg