Välkommen till 1SV801 Beginners' Swedish 1 i Växjö!
Welcome to a course that will give you knowledge, skills and 7,5 credits. NB! The course is open for exchange students in Växjö.
The course will start with an introduction for all 4 groups on Monday 20 of January, 17.00-18.00. The first lessons will be given on Tuesday 21 of January, 17.00-19.30.
This is your startpage in MyMoodle where you can find course material, information and ways of communicating with your teacher and fellow students. Roland Lindholm (group 1), Alla Bidniuk (group 2), Maria Nyman (group 3) and Halla Hallsteinsdottir (group 4) are your teachers. Roland Lindholm is the course coordinator.
Under the headline Administration in the My Moodle-page, go to the sub-title Users (Or - under the headline This course, go to the sub-title Participants.). There you can see what group you belong to. If you have not done it yet, please register to the course as soon as possible to get full access of MyMoodle and to give teachers and members of staff a good view of who will attend the course or not.
Below, you find the syllabus, the list of sources and the schedule. Please, make sure to get hold of the books “Rivstart A1+A2” (textbook and workbook) as soon as possible. NB! You should obtain the new, third edition of the books (2023)!! You will need the books immediately when we start working. Also, make sure to get access of the web material linked to these books, free of charge. (This is how the material looks: https://digi.nokportalen.se/books/d5528a43-29db-4d4b-bef4-127493fa703f.) Yes, you can take a look at it, but in order to get full access of it you must follow these instructions, step by step: www.nok.se/extramaterial - Läromedel - Digitalt extramaterial - Scroll down to page nr 10 - Rivstart A1A2, tredje uppl (now you are there!). And just one more thing to do: Create an account (skapa ett konto)!
There are two meetings every week, i e week 4-10 . Each meeting begins at 17.00 and ends at 19.30 (Swedish time). Group 1 meet on Mondays and Tuesdays, group 2 on Mondays and Wednesdays and group 3-4 Tuesdays and Thursdays. In week 9 there is an oral exam during class. In week 10 there is a written exam on Monday 10 of March.
After the written exam there is the Return of exam on Monday 17 of March (which is followed by an introduction to the continuation course 1SV802). And, finally, there is a possibility of Re-exam on Monday 24 of March.
- Kursansvarig: Roland Lindholm