
Find general information for students enrolled at Linnaeus University at the student website: lnu.se/student.
Use Linnaeus University Service Portal, serviceportalen.lnu.se to search for FAQ questions and find guides for various IT systems and software, etc.

Zoom, online meeting

To participate in a Zoom meeting


Lnu Play

Record and store Media Files on Lnu Play. Uppload from mobile device.
If you have problems with Third party cookies


Edit your profile in MyMoodle

As a student it is important to be visible. Therefore, start by adding your picture.

How to add your picture:

  1. When logged in, click on your name in the upper right corner.
  2. Click Edit profile.
  3. Scroll to User picture.
  4. Browse for a picture of yourself on your computer and then upload.
  5. Write your name below Picture description
  6. Click Update profile – Done!


Ouriginal and Plagiarism

Ouriginal  protects your copyright. Ouriginal used to prevent and identify plagiarism. It checks all documents and runs comparisons from the Internet, published material, and work of former students.

Plagiarism means presenting someone else's work as your own (a text, a chart, a program, a picture, etc.).
To read more, scroll down a bit. 


UB University library 

Academic Support Centre provides students with tutoring in both Swedish and English academic writing.


Learning support service

Learning and pedagogical support is available for student with disabilities or long term medical conditions.


Equal Opportunity

Here you can find further information regarding equal opportunities at the Linnaeus University.


Examination at an alternative location

Information and the application form for Examination sitting at an Alternative Location 


Smarter Collaboration Tools

Smarter collaboration Tools These guides present a selection of digital tools that you may use in your studies. These tools can be seen as a complement to the learning platform (MyMoodle). Please note: These tools are not supported by the university.


The alumni network helps you to stay in touch with your fellow students and to keep you updated with the developments at Linnaeus University.


Career Center

In our Career Center we have gathered everything that has to do with working life and career, both during and after your studies. Have a look at the page to see which of the possibilities that suits you!

Last modified: Tuesday, 31 August 2021, 12:09 PM