Inför våren 2018 kommer du att behöva söka dina programkurser via antagning.se. Sista ansökningsdagen är den 16 oktober.
Du som nu går termin 1 på masterprogrammet med inriktningen Fronten inom logistik & supply chain management skall söka kurserna 4FE106 och 4FE103 för kommande termin inom programmet via www.antagning.se. Du kan läsa mer om detta och hur du ansöker till dina programkurser här: https://mymoodle.lnu.se/mod/folder/view.php?id=1636969
Du som nu går termin 1 på masterprogrammet med inriktningen Fronten inom ekonomi- & verksamhetsstyrning skall söka kurserna 4FE106 och 4FE103 för kommande termin inom programmet via www.antagning.se. Du kan läsa mer om detta och hur du ansöker till dina programkurser här: https://mymoodle.lnu.se/mod/folder/view.php?id=1636969
You have to apply for your programme courses via universityadmissions.se for the upcoming spring semester 2018. Last day to apply is October 16th.
Those of you currently in semester 1 and study the two year master programme with the specialization Fronts in Logistics & Supply Chain Management must apply for the courses 4FE106 and 4FE103 for the upcoming spring semester within the programme. You do this via www.universityadmissions.se. You will find information concerning your programme, which courses you need to apply for and how to apply, on this link: https://mymoodle.lnu.se/mod/folder/view.php?id=1637004
Those of you currently in semester 1 and study the two year master programme with the specialization Fronts in Management Accounting & Processbased Control must apply for the courses 4FE106 and 4FE103 for the upcoming spring semester within the programme. You do this via www.universityadmissions.se. You will find information concerning your programme, which courses you need to apply for and how to apply, on this link: https://mymoodle.lnu.se/mod/folder/view.php?id=1637004