If you see this message, you are either
- Not logged in to MyMoodle, or
- Logged in, but not enrolled to the course. If you are supposed to be enrolled, please contact the course responsible. This course does not allow guests.
Otherwise please select "Continue" to go to the start page and log in. If you have used a direct llink to go to a certain course page, you may click on it again when you are logged in to go to that page.
- Not logged in to MyMoodle, or
- Logged in, but not enrolled to the course. If you are supposed to be enrolled, please contact the course responsible. This course does not allow guests.
Otherwise please select "Continue" to go to the start page and log in. If you have used a direct llink to go to a certain course page, you may click on it again when you are logged in to go to that page.