19. Getting your degree; Alumni

  • Obtaining a degree
    • Master (60 ECTS: 45 ECTS courses + 15 ECTS thesis)
      • Master (120 ECTS: 90 ECTS courses + 30 ECTS thesis) 
      • For either of the degrees, to obtain the diploma follow the link obtaining a degree
  • DH Alumni network 
    • If you are towards completing your studies, in order to stay in touch, both with fellow students and teachers, please do sign up for a LinkedIn account and make a request to the Digital Humanities Master's Alumni https://www.linkedin.com/groups/9072824/
  • Join LNU's alumni network after your studies
    • You continue to be important to us also after you have completed your studies. We would like to keep in touch with you through our alumni network, a network that is a social as well as a professional asset.
    • As a former student at Linnaeus University, you are an important alumnus/alumna and you are welcome to register with our alumni network. Through our alumni activities, you can keep in touch with your former fellow students and you will get information on how you can develop in your professional life together with Linnaeus University. Your experiences from your time as a student with us and from working life are invaluable to both current students and staff at the university. Some alumni return as guest lecturers or mentors for our current students. Others welcome students on study visits or to do project work. Your opinions and ideas are also valuable in the further development of your course or programme.
    • The alumni network is for former students who:
      • want a wide circle of contacts in working life right from the start
      • want to keep in touch with their university
      • want to know how Linnaeus University's research and education develop
      • want information on job opportunities and other unique offers
      • want information on news, meetings and activities